Who am I?

Hi there. I’m Huron Loftr, an author in his early 30’s. I’ve got a background in marketing, military studies and history. It’s an odd combination on first glance, I’ll give you that but it works together surprisingly well.

I speak a couple languages, have a few weird hobbies and even weirder opinions. Honestly, I’m a rather boring person, no sense in wasting your time with silly biographical data. Let’s instead talk art, philosophy and politics.

Most of us love a good, well prepared steak, served in a nice restaurant. But could you eat steak every day? Actually think about that. I’m not talking for a month. Or a year. Or 10 years. Every single day for the rest of your life. I probably couldn’t. There’d be a point where I’d like something else, something simpler, a hotdog maybe. Yeah, a hotdog eaten in underwear while watching a meme compilation on YouTube (don’t judge). Or maybe some homemade bread. Or honestly, anything but a damn steak.

That’s what I try to offer. Anything but a steak.

The stories I write reflect the stories I enjoy. Simple, barely edited and with complete disregard for trends and sensibilities of the time. I will always prefer a shoddy but honest and personal piece of art, over a piece that spent more time in PR and workshops, than on the piece itself.